Contest Rules and Procedures
- Copyright
- All entries must be the original work of the student participant or student team. All ideas, text, images (photos), computer generated, video and/or other), sounds and other media from other sources must be cited, including anything that is from the public domain. References and resources are to be cited using the most current edition of the Modern Language Association, or MLA, style. If copyrighted material is used, proper written permission must be included. Failure to follow this procedure will automatically result in disqualification of the student project and may potentially disqualify the entire chapter from the RGVTSA Regional Competition.
- Contest Limitations
- Due to time limits and other extenuating circumstances, RGVTSA reserves the rights to make modifications on how it conducts National Qualifying Events (NQEs) and Unique to Texas Events (UTEs) at the regional contest. Individual event coordinators must have any such modifications approved by the Contest Director at the regional contest. These may include the following:
- How projects are submitted for each contest
- Shortening the contest time or interview time allowed
- Only having 1 round for public performance style events
- Limiting the number of teams interviewed in the final round
Dress Code
- Official TSA Blue Competition Shirt, gray pants, black socks, and black shoes
- Females may opt to wear skirts and/or hosiery in lieu of pants and socks
- Chapter Team must wear official TSA blazers, with patch, and the red TSA tie (males). Per National TSA, females will not be penalized for wearing the tie, but it is optional for them
- At a minimum, students are always required to be in compliance with their school dress code when present at the regional contest whether in person or online
Contest Grievance Procedure
- Complete the Rules Interpretation Panel Grievance form
- The form must be filled out and submitted by an official Advisor for the chapter. No forms will be accepted from students or their parent / guardian
- The form/protest must be submitted to the Contest Director
- The CRC will review the protest to decide if and what action is necessary
The CRC will determine the impact of the issue and determine if an outcome will affect all participants equally.
Once an event is finalized protests may not be filed. Chapter advisors not following this procedure are subject to a review by the RGVTSA Executive Board.
Student Contest Documents
NQE Events
- Required Student Release Form
- Each student competing in an event needs to have this document completed and signed by a guardian or parent. Each member of a team event will need their own completed release form. You will not be allowed to compete unless this form has been submitted.
- Plan of Work Log
- The Plan of Work Log is required for some events. It will needed to be included in your document portfolio. Incomplete or missing logs may result in a penalty or reduction in points.
- Copyright Check List
- The Copyright Checklist is required for some events. It will needed to be included in your document portfolio. Incomplete or missing checklists may result in a penalty or reduction in points.
- Media Release
- The Media Release is required for some events. It will needed to be included in your document portfolio. Incomplete or missing forms may result in a penalty or reduction in points. This is not the same as the required Student Release Form required from all contestants.
Chapter Team Documents
- Chapter Team Minutes
- The Chapter Team Minutes is required for some events. It will needed to be included in your document portfolio. Incomplete or missing minutes may result in a penalty or reduction in points.
- Chapter Team Treasurers Report
- The Treasurers Report is required for some events. It will needed to be included in your document portfolio. Incomplete or missing reports may result in a penalty or reduction of points.
Texas Only Events & Projects Documents
- Required Student Release Form
- Each student competing in an event needs to have this document completed and signed by a guardian or parent. Each member of a team event will need their own completed release form. You will not be allowed to compete unless this form has been submitted.
- Media Documentation Form
- The Flat Project Document is required for some events. It will needed to be included in your document portfolio. Incomplete or missing forms may result in a penalty or reduction of points.
National Qualifying Events (HIGH SCHOOL)
Please refer to your event guideline for more detailed information about each contest.
To address the annual design challenge, participants exhibit and demonstrate their knowledge of mechanical and control systems by creating an animatronic device with a specific purpose (i.e., communicate an idea, entertain, demonstrate a concept, etc.) that includes sound, lights, and an appropriate surrounding environment (a display).
Theme and Problem
Design Problem: Following the specified requirements, create an animatronic exhibit that would be seen in a History of Space Exploration Museum.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Video Presentation
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes).
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The model and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Architectural Design
In response to the annual design challenge, participants develop a set of architectural plans and related materials, and construct both a physical and computer-generated model to accurately depict their design. Semifinalists deliver a presentation and participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Design Problem : 2024
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for content and order.
- 2. Architectural Model
- A single multi-page PDF file.
a. Minimum of 6 photographs showing each of the four (4) elevations of the finished model and two (2) looking down onto the model from above with roof and roof removed.
b. Other photograph(s) may be used to indicate special features of the model.
c. Each image must be labeled.
d. Projects requiring a minimum or maximum measurement should have photograph(s) including a ruler to indicate compliance.
e. The contest name and team number must appear on the top right corner of each page.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Model Presentation Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes) which includes the project presentation.
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The model and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access. - 2. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Audio Podcast
Participants use digital audio technology to create original content for a podcast piece that addresses the annual theme. The podcast must feature high level storytelling techniques, voice acting, and folly sound effects; the full entry must include documentation of the podcast development process and elements. Semifinalists participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Students will develop a podcast focused on personal development, motivation, or coaching.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for content and order.
- 2. Audio File
- URL link to an online audio file.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes) which includes answers to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Biotechnology Design
Participants select a contemporary biotechnology problem that addresses the annual theme and demonstrates understanding of the topic through documented research, the development of a solution, a display (including an optional model or prototype), and an effective multimedia presentation. Semifinalists deliver a presentation and participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Topic: Microplastics have long been a concern for their effects on marine ecosystems, but recently, scientists have discovered their existence in Antarctic snow, on the tops of mountains, in the air, and even in our blood. Research one source of microplastics (i.e., clothing, vehicle tires, manufacturing, plastic degradation, etc.) and document their effects on organisms and the environment, as well as what is being done to mitigate these effects.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for content and order.
- 2. Video Presentation
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed seven (7) minutes) which includes the project presentation.
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The presentation display and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Project Presentation Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed nine (9) minutes) which includes the project presentation.
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The presentation display and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access. - 2. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Board Game Design
Participants develop, build, and package a board game that focuses on a subject of their choice. Creative packaging, and the instructions, pieces, and cards associated with the pilot game will be evaluated. Semifinalists set up the game, demonstrate how the game is played, explain the game’s features, and discuss the design process.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Board Game
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
- 2. Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for content and order.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Game Board Presentation
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes, set up and removal not included in video) which includes the project presentation.
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The board game and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access. - 2. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Chapter Team
Participants take a parliamentary procedure written test to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists conduct an opening ceremony, items of business, parliamentary actions, and a closing ceremony.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Online Test
- Login information and password will be made available on day of contest.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Video of Chapter Business Meeting
- URL link to an online video which includes the all chapter team members and the meeting from start to finish.
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Chapters are responsible for setting up the meeting room with the required Chapter Team items on the table.
A meeting agenda and orders of business will be available during the contest time period. - 2. Chapter Meeting Minutes
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for content requirement.
Participants take a test, which concentrates on aspects of coding, to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists develop a software program – in a designated amount of time – that accurately addresses an onsite problem.
Theme and Problem
The following programming languages may be used to complete the assigned problems: C (version C11), C++ (version C++14), C# (version 6.0),
Java (version 10), Javascript (NodeJS version 8.10), Python (version 3.6), Ruby (version 2.5), Swift (version 4.2).
Additional languages may become available as we near the conference.Participants will be presented with a series of coding problems that must be completed on site at the conference. Evaluation will be based on the successful completion of the problems and the time in which it takes students or teams to complete all the challenges. In addition to the specific HS Coding competition rules and regulations, students also must adhere to TSA’s general rules (found in the HS competitive events guide).
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Online Test
- Login information and password will be made available on the contest date.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Program Submissions
- All programming assignments will be combined into a single PDF file. Include a copy of the actual programming code and its associated output.
CAD Architecture
Participants use complex computer graphic skills, tools, and processes to respond to a design challenge in which they develop representations of architectural subjects, such as foundation and/or floor plans, and/or elevation drawings, and/or details of architectural ornamentation or cabinetry. The solution to the design challenge and participant answers in an interview are evaluated.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Design Solution
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements. Contestant will need to be online with a camera focused on them for this event. A Google Meet link will be provided.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
CAD Engineering
Participants use complex computer graphic skills, tools, and processes to respond to a design challenge in which they develop three-dimensional representations of engineering subjects, such as a machine part, tool, device, or manufactured product. The solution to the design challenge and participant answers in an interview are evaluated.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Design Solution
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements. Contestant will need to be online with a camera focused on them for this event. A Google Meet link will be provided.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Data Science
Participants identify a societal issue, collect or compile data from various sources about the issue, and then produce documentation and a digital scientific poster about their findings. Semifinalists create a synopsis and digital visual representation of a data set provided in an onsite challenge.
Theme and Problem
Scientific Poster Template
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Digital Poster
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
- 2. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
- 3. Presentation
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed six (6) minutes, set up and removal not included in video). Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The data diagrams and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Visual Representation
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements. A data set will be provided on the date of contest.
- 2. Synopsis
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements. A data set will be provided on the date of contest.
Debating Technology Issues
Participants research the annual topic and subtopics and prepare for a debate against a team from another chapter. Teams are instructed to take either the pro or con side of a selected subtopic, submit a summary of references, and use their research to support their assigned position. The quality of a team’s debate determines semifinalists and finalists.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Technology in InfrastructureSubtopic 1: Autonomous vehicles are the answer to increasing traffic demands, especially in large urban areas
Subtopic 2: Current carbon and renewable energy policies have a negative impact on power grid reliability and consumer pricing
Subtopic 3: Manufacturing companies should be exempt from restrictions on waste production due to their contributions to society
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Debate Video
- URL link to an online video file. The video cannot exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Refer to event guidelines for debate order. The team will determine which debator is Pro or Con. Both debaters must be in the video frame and a digital clock must be present at all times to indicate the speaker does not exceed their alloted time. The debate Sub-Topic (1,2 or 3) will be released on the date of the contest. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
- 2. Debate Sources
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Debate Video
- URL link to an online video file. The video cannot exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Refer to event guidelines for debate order. For this round, the debators will take the opposite side they had in the previous round. Both debaters must be in the video frame and a digital clock must be present at all times to indicate the speaker does not exceed their alloted time. The debate Sub-Topic (1,2 or 3) will be will be released on the date of the contest. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
- 2. Debate Sources
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
Digital Video Production
Participants develop and submit a digital video and a documentation portfolio (including such items as a storyboard, script, summary of references and sources, and equipment list) that reflects the annual theme. Semifinalists participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Epic or high fantasy - defined by the epic nature of its setting or satire of characters, themes, or plot. It is set in an alternative, fictional world
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
- 2. Video
- URL link to an online video file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes) which includes answers to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Dragster Design
Participants design, draw, and construct a CO2-powered dragster that adheres to specifications, design and documentation requirements, and the annual theme. Semifinalists compete in a double-elimination race and participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Design Challenge Requirements: Car body must have horizontal wings extending from both sides at front and rear. Maximum vehicle total width cannot exceed 90mm.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Dragster and Portfolio
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Drone Challenge (UAV)
Participants design, build, assemble, document, and test fly an open-source Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) according to the stated annual theme/problem specifications. The required documentation portfolio must include elements such as a photographic log, wiring schematics, and a description of the programming software used. Semifinalists participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Drone Challenge - 2024
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Drone and Portfolio
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for additional judging.
- 2. Video Presentation
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes).
Contestants will create an obstacle course at their home campus for the used for the drone. The drone and obstacle should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Engineering Design
Participants develop a solution to an annual theme that is based on a specific challenge noted by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in its compilation of the grand challenges for engineering in the 21st century. The solution will include a documentation portfolio, a display, and a model/prototype. Semifinalists deliver a presentation and participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Advance Health Informatics
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for content and order.
- 2. Display / Model
- A single multi-page PDF file.
a. Minimum of 5 photographs showing each of the four (4) views of the model and one (1) looking down onto the model from above.
b. Other photograph(s) may be used to indicate interior views, special sections and/or other sections requiring additional explantion.
c. Each image must be labeled.
d. Projects requiring a minimum or maximum measurement should have photograph(s) including a ruler to indicate compliance.
e. The contest name and team number must appear on the top right corner of each page.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Essays on Technology
Participants are given two hours to write a research-based essay - with citations - using an essay prompt and two (2) or more sources provided onsite. The essay must include insightful thoughts about the current technological topic presented in the prompt.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Essay
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements. Essay prompt will be announced on date of contest.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Extemporaneous Speaking
Participants select a technology-related or TSA topic from among three topic cards and prepare and give a three-to-five-minute speech that communicates their knowledge of the chosen topic. The quality of the speech determines advancement to the semifinalist level of competition, for which an identical competition procedure is followed to determine finalists.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Speech Video
- URL link to an online video file. The video cannot exceed four(4) minutes and does not include entry and exit to a room. The speaker must be in the video frame at all times. The speech topic will be released on the date of the contest.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Speech Video
- URL link to an online video file. The video cannot exceed four(4) minutes and does not include entry and exit to a room. The speaker must be in the video frame at all times. The speech topic will be released on the date of the contest.
Fashion Design and Technology
To address the annual theme, participants demonstrate expertise in fashion design principles by creating a wearable garment, garment patterns, and a documentation portfolio. Semifinalist teams present their garment designs (worn by team models), discuss the design process with evaluators, and respond to interview questions.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Avant-Garde. Avant-Garde is characterized by a radical approach. It values aesthetic innovation and unorthodox and experimental approaches. It often combines fabrics of different textures and shapes to result in clothing that is affordable and artistic, separate pieces. The prototype garment can be one (1) piece or two (2) to four (4) separate pieces.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Prototype, Patterns and Portfolio
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
- 2. Wearable Prototype Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed three (3) minutes, set up and removal not included in video). Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The model and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Flight Endurance
Participants design, build, fly, and adjust (trim) a rubber-band powered model aircraft to make long endurance flights inside a contained airspace. Documentation (including elements such as attributes of the model design, drawings, and an analysis of the trim modifications), an inspection of the model and the required model flight box, and official times for two flights are aspects of the evaluation.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Plane and Portfolio
- This is an on-site contest. Competitors will take planes to a central location for testing.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Forensic Science
Participants take a written test of basic forensic science to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists examine a mock crime scene and demonstrate their knowledge of forensic science through crime scene analysis, with the findings synthesized in a written report/analysis.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Online Test
- Login information and password will be made available on the contest date.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Crime Scene Analysis Video
- This is a (five) 5 minute video of the team discussing the crime scene and locating evidence. The actual crime scene video on the day of the contest should be in frame for this analysis video.
- 2. Evidence Report
- This document is a single multi-page PDF file. You will include screen shots from the crime scene video where evidence is found. Each image should be labeled.
- 3. Crime Scene Analysis
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements. Crime scene information will be available on the date of the contest.
Future Technology Teacher
Participants research a developing technology, prepare a video showing an application of the technology in the classroom, and create a lesson plan/activity that features the application and connects to the Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL), as well as STEM initiatives and integration. Semifinalists demonstrate the lesson plan and answer questions about their presentation.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Instructional Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed eight (8) minutes). Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The competitor should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
- 2. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for specific contents of this document.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Lesson Plan Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed seven (7) minutes) which includes the lesson plan presentation.
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The competitor should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period. - 2. Lesson Plan Handouts
- A single multi-page PDF file. All handouts should be combined into a single PDF file.
- 3. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Geospatial Technology
To address the issue presented in an annual theme, participants interpret geospatial data and develop a digital portfolio containing maps, data, and pertinent documentation. Semifinalists defend their projections and visual infographic during a presentation/interview.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Research a local, regional, state, or national Ecosystem Issue
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for requirements.
- 2. Visual Infographic Map
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for requirements.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Defense Presentation
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes, set up and removal not included in video). Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The model and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Manufacturing Prototype
Participants design, fabricate, and use Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) to create a product that addresses the annual theme. A documentation portfolio and the completed product prototype are submitted for evaluation. Semifinalists give a product “sales pitch” and demonstration.
Theme and Problem
Theme: An item that could be used to represent a TSA state delegation at a trade show. It could be a giveaway or a tabletop promotional item.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
- 2. Prototype
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Video Sales Pitch
- URL link to an online video. The video cannot exceed two (2) minutes and must include a short presentation of the project. Refer to the event guidelines for specific requirements. The prototype and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
- 2. Promotional Flyer (OPTIONAL)
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
Music Production
Participants produce an original musical piece designed to be played during the closing session of the national TSA conference. The quality of the musical piece and required documentation (including elements such as a plan of work, self-evaluation, and a list of hardware, software, and instruments used) determines advancement to the semifinal level of competition, during which semifinalist participants are interviewed.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
- 2. Audio File
- URL link to an online audio file.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes) which includes answers to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
On Demand Video
Once participants receive the challenge details (required criteria, such as props and a line of dialogue) at the national TSA conference, they have 36 hours to produce a 60-second film that showcases video skills, tools, and communication processes. The quality of the completed video production determines the finalists.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. On Demand Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed 1 minute). Theme and video requirements will be available on date of contest. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
- 2. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Photographic Technology
Participants produce a photographic portfolio - demonstrating expertise in photo and imaging technology processes - to convey a message based on the annual theme. Semifinalists have 24 hours to complete a portfolio of photos (with required documentation) taken onsite at the national TSA conference. Finalists are determined based on the quality of the semifinal portfolio, the portfolio presentation, and interview responses.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Forced Perspective, Long Exposure, Architectural, and Abstract Photography (incorporate one photo using each of these types of photography in the portfolio).
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Photographic Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for specific requirements.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Semifinalist Photographic Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for specific requirements. The semifinalist theme will be available on the date of the contest.
- 2. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Prepared Presentation
Participants deliver a three-to-five-minute oral presentation related to the current national TSA conference theme. Both semifinalists and finalists are determined based on the quality of the presentation and the appropriate use and content of the accompanying required slide deck.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Evolution of Excellence
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Video Demonstration
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed 5 minutes, but more than 3 minutes, set up not included in video). The speaker and slide-deck must always be visible in the video frame. Refer to event guidelines for requirements of the slide-deck and presentation. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
The previous video submission will be used for the semifinal round. No additional submission is required.
Promotional Design
Participants use computerized graphic communications layout and design skills to produce a promotional resource packet. The resource must address the annual theme/problem and include at least four printed publication items and required documentation. Semifinalists demonstrate publishing competency in an onsite technical design challenge.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Develop promotional materials for a leadership development program for high school students. The program will consist of 6 two-hour sessions will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September to March. Students must apply by August 15th and 25 students will be selected to participate. You will need to design and produce recruitment documents for students, a flyer, and an application.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Marketing Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for specific requirements.
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for specific requirements.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 2. Semifinalist Marketing Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to the event guidelines for specific requirements. The semifinalist theme will be available on the date of the contest.
Senior Solar Sprint
The Senior Solar Sprint (SSS) competition is funded by the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) and managed by TSA. Students apply scientific understanding, creativity, experimentation, and teamwork to design, build, and race a model solar vehicle that carries a payload; documentation of the process is required. Students must register on Cvent to participate and begin the SSS journey.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only) Updated Feb 1, 2023
- 1. Solar Vehicle and Portfolio
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Software Development
Participants use their knowledge of cutting-edge technologies, algorithm design, problem-solving principles, effective communication, and collaboration to design, implement, test, document, and present a software development project of educational or social value. Both semifinalists and finalists are determined based on the quality of the presentation and project.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Video Demonstration
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed seven (7) minutes, set up not included). Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The game and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Structural Design and Engineering
Participants apply the principles of structural engineering to design and construct a structure that complies with the annual challenge. An assessment of the required documentation and the destructive testing of the structure (to determine its design efficiency) determine both semifinalists and finalists.
Theme and Problem
Problem Statement Verification Form
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Pre-built Structure
- Physical structures are constructed at home campus and delivered to a central location for testing.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. On-site Structure
- Physical structures are constructed at home campus and delivered to a central location for testing.
Technology Bowl
Participants demonstrate their knowledge of TSA and concepts addressed in technology content standards by completing a written, objective test. Semifinalist teams participate in a question/response, head-to-head, team competition.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Online Test
- Login information and password will be made available on day of contest.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Quiz Bowl
- Quiz bowl will take place using a Google Meet link. All 3 team members will need to be online with a camera focused on them for each round.
Technology Problem Solving
Participants use problem-solving skills to design and construct a finite solution to a challenge provided onsite at the conference. Solutions are evaluated at the end of 90 minutes using measures appropriate to the challenge, such as elapsed time, horizontal or vertical distance, and/or strength.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Construction of Problem Solution
- Competitors will be sent a Google Meet link to live broadcast themselves for contest officials. Both teams members must always be present during the live stream. A Materials list will be available online before date of contest. Problem will be provided on the date of contest.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Transportation Modeling
Participants research, design, and produce a scale model of a vehicle that complies with the annual design problem. A display for the model and a documentation portfolio – containing elements such as a description of the vehicle, photographs and commentary detailing the vehicle production, and technical illustrations – are required. Semifinalists participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Design Problem: Research and present a modern motor home/RV/camper
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for content and order.
- 2. Scale Model and Display
- A single multi-page PDF file.
a. Minimum of 5 photographs showing each of the four (4) views of the model and one (1) looking down onto the model from above.
b. Other photograph(s) may be used to indicate special features of the model.
c. Include photograph(s) of the model with the display.
d. Each image must be labeled.
e. Projects requiring a minimum or maximum measurement should have photograph(s) including a ruler to indicate compliance.
f. The contest name and team number must appear on the top right corner of each page.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes) which includes answers to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Video Game Design
Participants design, build, and launch an E-rated online video game – with accompanying required documentation - that addresses the annual theme. Semifinalists participate in an interview to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise they gained during the development of the game.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Fantasy Adventure game
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Online Video Game
- URL Link to an online video game. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
- 2. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes) which includes answers to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Virtual Reality Visualization
Participants use video and 3D computer graphics tools and design processes to create a two-to-three-minute VR visualization (accompanied by supporting documentation) that addresses the annual theme. Semifinalists deliver a presentation about their visualization and participate in an interview.
Theme and Problem
Theme: Create a virtual reality (VR) simulation that will help assist children to become more active and healthier.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Online Visualization
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed three (3) minutes or under two (2) minutes)
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access. - 2. Documentation Portfolio
- A single multi-page PDF file. Refer to event guidelines for requirements.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. VR Presentation Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes, set up not included in video) which includes the project presentation.
Refer to event guidelines for presentation requirements. The model and team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period. - 2. Interview Question Video
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed five (5) minutes) which includes your responses to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Participants design, build, and launch a website that addresses the annual challenge. Semifinalists participate in an interview to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise gained during the development of the website.
Theme and Problem
Topic: Green energy initiatives are important to reduce the negative effects of fossil-fuels on the environment. There are many renewable energy programs promoted and listed by the Environmental Protection Agency and they promote various incentives for homeowners to include more green and clean energy solutions in their homes.Challenge: Develop a website that compiles information for homeowners on green and clean energy home solutions and other initiatives. The website should provide basic information, cost, tax rebate information, and clean/green energy practices.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Website
- URL Link to your website.
Semifinal Round Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Video Interview
- URL link to an online video (not to exceed ten (10) minutes) which includes answers to the interview questions.
The team members should be in frame during the video. Videos should not require a software download, password, or a request for additional access.
Interview questions will be posted online during the contest time period.
Unique to Texas Events (HU)
A catapult is a mechanism used to forcefully propelling stones, spears, or other projectiles. It is mainly used as a military weapon since ancient times. Catapults were used by ancient Greeks, ancient Chinese and Romans so to be able to shoot arrows and darts as well as stones at enemy soldiers.
Theme and Problem
Rules for the 22/23 State Conference
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Catapult and Documentation
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
On-site events use the rules as listed for each event. The event judge may explain additional regulations and procedures that effect the operation of the contest before the events take place.
CO2 Research Racer
CO2 dragsters are cars used as miniature racing cars which are propelled by a carbon dioxide cartridge, pierced to start the release of the gas, and which race on a typically 60 feet (18 metres) track. They are frequently used to demonstrate mechanical principles such as mass, force, acceleration, and aerodynamics.Dragsters may be constructed from 2 different types of materials: 1) Wood 2) ABS Plastic. Each type is registered separately.
Theme and Problem
Rules for the 22/23 State Conference
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. CO2 Racer and Documentation
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
On-site events use the rules as listed for each event. The event judge may explain additional regulations and procedures that effect the operation of the contest before the events take place.
Drone Competition
The current space program is requesting a Mars rover exploration mission for 2020. A new rover (payload) needs to be delivered on time and with the help of your Space Launch Vehicle (Drone). Who can deliver this rover the fastest? Your task is the following: Fly drone through the different space obstacles to deliver and release the rover (3D Printed Rover Provided) on the landing zone and then returning to the starting position in the fastest amount of time.
Theme and Problem
Rules for the 22/23 State Conference
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Drone
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
- 2. Required Liability Form to be included with Drone
- Liability Form
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
On-site events use the rules as listed for each event. The event judge may explain additional regulations and procedures that effect the operation of the contest before the events take place.
Graphic Solutions
This competition will test the student’s ability to solve a given problem with minimum supplies. The only items that may be taken into the contest area are: flat drawing surface, such as a clipboard, (maximum size of 12 x 16 inches), pencils and eraser. Drafting aids will not be allowed. Participants will be seated in regular folding chairs. Grid paper will be supplied.
Theme and Problem
This contest has five (7) different themes. You may register for only one (1).1) Technology Problem Solving,
2) Architecture and Construction,
3) Engineering and Design,
4) Promotional Design and Marketing,
5) Manufacturing Design,
6) Information Technology,
7) Bio-technology.
Additional information to be provided on day of contest.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Graphic Solution
- A single multi-page PDF file. A design problem will be provided on the date of contest.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
Hot Rod CO2 Car Competition
Hot Rod Competition (HRC) provides technology students with another opportunity to use their knowledge and skills in problem solving and the fun and excitement of racing competition. The goal of HRC is to encourage students to design and build realistic looking one-fourth mile hot rod car models. The project has been carefully planned to allow students to create realistic scale models of dragsters, funny cars, pro-stock cars and trucks and still have a chance to win races. The vehicle should be built of several parts or sub-assemblies rather than carved out or 3D printed as a single unit.Hot Rods may be constructed from 2 different types of materials: 1) Wood 2) ABS Plastic. Each type is registered separately.
Theme and Problem
Rules for the 22/23 State Conference
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Hot Rod and Portfolio
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
On-site events use the rules as listed for each event. The event judge may explain additional regulations and procedures that effect the operation of the contest before the events take place.
On-Site Computer Skills
This competition will test the student’s ability to solve a given problem with minimum supplies. Contest submissions can be a PDF file or URL link to an online video of the students presentation.
Theme and Problem
This contest has three (3) different themes. You may register for only one (1).1) Animation,
2) Graphic Design-Artistic,
3) Multi-Media Presentation.
Additional information to be provided on day of contest.
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. On-Site Computer Skills
- A single multi-page PDF file OR URL Link to an online video. A design problem will be provided on the date of contest.
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
RC Vehicle
Competitors will build their own Electric RC car either from their own design or from a kit. No store bought, already assembled RC cars will be permitted. The course will be a road race. The purpose of the RC race is to showcase the learning activities of students building radio-controlled cars and the components that make up this type of transportation system. All RC Vehicles must be electric/battery powered.
Theme and Problem
Rules for the 22/23 State Conference
Project Submission Requirements (Regional Contest Only)
- 1. Electric RC Vehicle
- All submissions related to this event should be placed in a single container and labeled with the Team Participant ID available from your sponsor. It will be delivered to a central location for judging.
- 2. Required Liability Form to be included with project
- Liability Form
This contest does not have a Semifinal round.
On-site events use the rules as listed for each event. The event judge may explain additional regulations and procedures that effect the operation of the contest before the events take place.
Unique to Texas Projects (HP)
All entries must be 100% student original work. No downloaded files/work in full or partial. The only exception is the use of common library parts such as a Content Center from AutoDesk or similar application.
All projects should have a Media Documentation Form
All projects should have a Media Documentation Form
Event Code | Name | Contest Submission |
HP 6000 | BUSINESS CARDS/NAME TAGS/INVITATION | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of project AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6100 | COMPUTER GENERATED PRESENTATION | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of project AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6115 | VIDEO EDITING-VIDEO PROMO | 1) URL Link to an online video. 2) Media Documentation Form |
HP 6118 | VIDEO EDITING-VIDEO NEWSCAST | 1) URL Link to an online video. 2) Media Documentation Form |
HP 6131 | COMPUTER GENERATED GRAPHIC ART (ONE) PHOTO | A single multi-page PDF file including a single photo AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6145 | ANIMATION W/SOUND AND/OR LIP SYNC-30 SEC MAX | 1) URL Link to an online video. 2) Media Documentation Form |
HP 6203 | COLOR ACTION/MOTION SPORT (ONE) PHOTO | A single multi-page PDF file including a single photo AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6207 | COLOR ANIMAL LIFE (ONE) PHOTO | A single multi-page PDF file including a single photo AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6209 | COLOR ARCHITECTURE (ONE) PHOTO | A single multi-page PDF file including a single photo AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6211 | COLOR CLOSE-UP MACRO (ONE) PHOTO | A single multi-page PDF file including a single photo AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6213 | COLOR FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY (ONE) PHOTO | A single multi-page PDF file including a single photo AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 6240 | B/W SPECIAL EFFECTS (ONE) PHOTO-SINGLE EFFECT/PROCESS | A single multi-page PDF file including a single photo AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8000 | COMPREHENSIVE DISPLAY-SELECTED LEARNING ACTIVITY | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8092 | DISPLAY OF ERGONOMICS | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8093 | DISPLAY OF OTHER BIOTECH RESEARCH ACTIVITY | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8110 | REMOTE OPERATED VEHICLE DISPLAY | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8113 | SCHOOL DISPLAY ACTIVITIES IN MORE THAN 2 CURRICULUM AREAS | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8114 | SCHOOL DISPLAY COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8115 | SCHOOL DISPLAY POWER/ENERGY/TRANSPIRATION | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |
HP 8117 | SCHOOL DISPLAY BIO TECH | A single multi-page PDF file including photograph(s) of display AND Media Documentation Form |